Sunday, September 14, 2008

Touched button iMAc

This is my design for new iMac, the difference is the touching screen bottomed the screen, there are 10 touched buttons on two side of the Aplle logo, which are easily defined function and icon by software for users easily to change. I think this is a special edition for designer. Designer could easily call a Adobe element program by touching on the sub-screen and when they have to work between AI and PS or others, just touch the icon on sub-screen it will automatically switch to that icon's window.
Ex: Your are running both AI and PS, now your on the PS screen, you want to take an vector image form AI to PS. Just touch the AI icon on sub-screen, iMac will automatically switch to AI workplace you copy what you need and return to PS just by touching the PS button. No mouse action or moving were used.
This is not a perfect design. Key board can be used to replace this function, not visually like the sub-screen but keyboard can be used for saving money and safe with environment when recycle(used less elements).
If you want to touch the sub-screen you have to be closer to the iMac screen><.It's is not comfortable to work with an large screen iMac(20';24') for long hours.^^
That's all my idea.

My old HDD

My old HDD was shot on my desk, 2 photos : 1 with the whole box with the cover another I removed the box's cover to get the elements inside. The rest of process was produce on Photoshop. This type of process to create the inside image for a better view in a electronic product or other with mechanical element such as car, which show to the audience a curiosity to discover inside, more interesting!

My Marketing Plan cover

This is my marketing plan cover. This marketing cover is about Biti's leather fashionable shoes for men and women. The above part are vector images of 4 young peoples which are our target segment.At the bottom are photos of 4 main styles of product.The background is a coffee shop-place for youth meetings. Colors of text are based on the logo colors. Serif font stand for the formal style of the plan, sans-serif is based on the logo text.

Friday, August 29, 2008


Phim Fearside được bấm máy ngày hôm nay dự định có mặt tại các rạp bắc Mỹ vào năm 2010. Với kịch bản được đánh giá là rùng rợn nhất.

Và dàn diễn viên cực kỳ nổi tiếng trong làng điện ảnh Kỳ Hoa.Bộ film đã để lọt bìa đĩa ra công chúng ngày hum qua.

Các bạn tranh thủ đánh giá cái bìa đĩa film bom tấn 2010 này xem^^.


Fearside is a film has been started yesterday,according to producers this horror film will be released in the North America in the summer of 2010.This film was announced that is the best horror film ever.

But I have got the DVD cover and film box by an secret source.^^

DVD design

DVD box

Friday, August 15, 2008

My new photo trip

Model : Minh

Location : Mộc Cafe

Photographer : Pacific Dragon










Friday, August 8, 2008


This is letter wallpaper I made after a Internet tutorial of Photoshop.I love Saigon the old day with something traditional. Future= Past+ Now !

Thursday, July 31, 2008





Massimo and Lella Vignelli are one of the perfect combinations of love and work in the design industrial. They are both born in northern of country with Tower of Pisa and the famous dishes pizza, and the genius Leonardo de Vinci. Mr. Massimo Vignelli was born in Milan in 1931, and Mrs Lella Vignelli in Udine 1934.

Massimo Vignelli studied architecture at the Polytechnic di Milano University, which still is the largest technical university in Italy and later at the University Iuav of Venice. His first career was a designer of glassware for Venini.

Lella Vignelli was born in Udine, Italy. She graduated from the School of Architecture, University of Venice, and became a registered architect in Milan in1962. After that, Lella worked for architects, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill.

They were married in 1957 after meeting each other at architects’ convention. Later, in 1960, Massimo and Lella established the Vegnilli office of design and architecture in Milan.

From 1958 to 1960, the Vignelli went to America on a fellowship, Lella received a tuition fellowship as a special student at the School of Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge and Massimo taught at the Chicago Institute of Design. In 1965, Lella became the head of the interiors department for Unimark International Corporation in Milan which was established by Ralph Eckerstron and Massimo Vignelli. Unimark International Corporation had designed many recognizable corporate identities including AA (American Airlines in 1967).They both worked in Italia and America.

In 1971, they established the Vignelli Associates in New York, which was for their 2D design. Moreover, they had designed corporate identity programs for Knoll, American Airlines, Bloomingdales, Xerox, Lancia, Cinzano, and Ford Motors.

In 1978, they formed Vignelli Designs, which for the 3D, a company focus on goods and furniture.

In the beginning of this essay, I wrote that they are a perfect combination because Massimo’s Passion is “2D” about graphic and Lella, by her tradition of family, is “3D” Architecture. Massimo is the visionary and she is the realist. With the Vegnilli, a good design is not only just a good looking design but also be able to answer two questions perfectly: Why and How. According to Massimo there are three steps in design’s investigation: search for the structure – its reward is discipline, search for specificity- this produce appropriateness, and finally is search for fun – to create ambiguity.

They have achieved many awards through many years of working, and the significant is the historic AIGA Gold Medal in 1982.


I chose Vignelli for their realistic and applicable design. According to the course, I attend to choose the 2D graphic is the priority to analyse by my own words.

Knoll International Poster by Vignelli Associates in 1966

This poster was constructed by strictly line and base on “the rule of third”. In my own opinion, structure and colors illustrate the characteristic of Knoll International, furniture’s company work in exactly details in various beautiful colors. The poster basically divided in to 2 part in horizontal, “Kno” and “ll” and parts which take 2/3 approximately be a square and 1/3 of the length of the poster. The height of the letter “o” is 2/3 of the poster’s height. The balance of poster still exists by the full amount of colors in each part and white space in the “Kno” part. The information of the Knoll International was put on the top left of the poster and rotated base on the element of the “K” letter, this part of poster left aligns approximately on the top of the “O” letter, and right align is the top border of the poster. The feelings of unsafe was constructed in the 1/3 part on the top of vertical of poster was stopped by the 2/3 in the bottom, and the lack of elements in the 2/3 part of the poster’s left is pulled up by the 1/3 part on the right.

The colors of this poster seem to be Pop Art palette, which are very famous and widely used from the 1950s. In this poster, designer of Vignelli has used three colors to build the word “Knoll” in the rhythm of dark blue, pink, yellow, pink, dark blue and the black for the information of the Knoll International.

The poster dominance is the “O” letter which is the connector of 2 parts of poster, and its unique color in the poster.

The size of letter in Knoll were changed and move to 3 different layers and move to others with different opacity and fill to create transparent, the highest is blue, middle is pink, the lowest is yellow. One fonts was used is Sans-Serif font which creates the feelings of the serious and official stand for the Knoll International.

American Airline Identity and Branding, by the Vignelli Associates, 1967

The most important element of American Airlines branding is AA eagle logo.

The balance has well constructed in the logo with the eagle, one letter “A” on each side, one in hot color: red the other is in blue, cold color.

In the vertical side, the eagle bottom is approximately put on the first 1/3 of letter “A”.

In the horizontal side, the space between 2 letters “A” creates a triangle and the eagle is put into the middle of the triangle and 1/3 of the eagle was in this triangle.

The rule of Third was well applied to construct this logo.

The end line of the eagle wings is align to the inner stroke of letters “A”

The thick of the wing is equal to the thick of the stroke of letter “A” and the space between 2 “A” letters top equal to 4 times of that thick. The shortest distance between the nearest point of the letter “A” to the wing equal to the thick of wing and ”A” letter stroke size. The inner of the eagle’s wing stroke create an invisible line cross the point of the triangle in the letter “A”. It seems to be complex and strictly combination but it has built very well structure of logo design.

The blue, red and white colors are used in the logo design are inspired by the national flag of the United State of America.

Transportation Graphics for New York Subway, by the Vignelli Associate in 1972

“If you can’t find it, design it” is a saying of the Vignelli which illustrate their way of design. And the transportation graphic for New York subway is the most significant social applied design. This map created by Massimo replaced the London Underground style map. When Vignelli designed this map the personal computer didn’t exist yet so he has done by hand.

In 1968, Massimo and Bob Noorda of Unimark International, developed a signage plan based on a simple principle: deliver the necessary information at the point of decision, never before, never after

Colors in the map take a very important role, the success of Vignelli map is its abstract: lines are just bend 45 or 90 degrees and every line as a single color, every stop point were illustrated by black dots. They also created a new graphic language for New York subway by the black horizontal line at the top of each sign and colored circles. The basic element of design has been used effectively in this design. More iconic, less of word are easy to understand for everyone. Four years later, in 1972, Vignelli introduced a new version of the map. It was based on principles that would be familiar to anyone has used the old style London Underground map .This map version did not follow the complicated tangle of geographically on the ground above. Train lines would run at 45 and 90 angles only replaced for many angles before. This is a significant of breaking the grid to make a better realistic design. But it failed.

This map just worked for 5 years. The troubles has came, according to Deyan Sudjic, director of the Design Museum London :”There’s no sense of the passage time. Their work is no trapped in a style”- the changing of the Massimo in map has created the messy of distance which shown in the map.

The designers have to deal with many problems of arrangement to make easier for user to define where they are and which train they will take.

Some of famous speaks of Massimo that I collected from his interview of Designboom on May 21st 2006

When you were a child, did you want to become a designer / architect ?

Since I was 14 years old I had no other desire.

Any advice for the young ?

Learn form the past , think of the present , dream of the future

What are you afraid of regarding the future

Global pollution, explosion of vulgarity and social irresponsibility


Massimo Vignelli,, KETTERER KUNST website, viewed July 30, 2008.

Unimark International,Unimark International Beginnings,,Unimark International website , viewed July 30, 2008.

Aiga,Crouwel/Vignelli,2007,, viewed July 30, 2008.

Designboom, massimo vignelli of vignelli associates, 2006 ,Design boom website,,, viewed July 30, 2008.

Bierut, Michael, Mr. Vignelli's Map, 2004,, viewed July 30, 2008.

R.Brown ,David; Davis, Wylie ; DeNeve ,Rose, Massimo and Lella Vignelli, copyright 1983 by the American Institue of Graphic Arts,, viewed July 30, 2008.

V. Lovine ,Julie, The Vignellis

In an instant, their pared-down designs—for the subway, Bloomingdale’s, American Airlines—conjure a particular moment in the city’s history. ,2007,New York Home Design website , ,viewed July 30,2008


Friday, July 25, 2008


This is some photos I toke for singer KIEN HUY last week.

After retouching on PS, I create a boder in Teen and funky style for the singer to suitable with the music that he express.











Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Quỳnh Album

This photo album cover and the border I work on Photoshop.
The model is one of my friend^^. Who wanna be model contact me please.(Notice : boy are not accepted^^!)











Tuesday, July 8, 2008


There are some articles about Xe Lam and my Illustraion about it from these image bellow.I work with Adobe Illustrator to got it^^!

My lambretta

Xa rồi hình bóng... xe lam

Thứ ba, 12/2/2008, 09:58 GMT+7

Xe lam ba bánh do Italia sản xuất có mặt ở Sài Gòn sau đó là khắp miền Nam vào đầu thâp niên 60. Lúc đầu là loại lam brettit nhỏ bé, chở được 6 người. Vài năm sau, loại lam bretta với thùng xe lớn hơn, chở được 10 người và 2 người ngồi chung cabin với tài xế, được nhập về.

Có đến hàng chục ngàn xe lam đã lăn bánh từ Quảng Trị đến Cà Mau, từ thành thị đến thôn quê trong khoảng bốn thập niên rưỡi và chỉ chịu "về hưu" trong vài năm gần đây, khi đã quá rệu rã và gây ô nhiễm bởi tiếng ồn và lượng khói thải của nó. Trong các hồi kỳ của những chiếc sỹ cách mạng, xe lam thường được giấu súng đạn chở vào nội thành Sài Gòn, từng được một đơn vị biệt động "cấy" vào hai tên lửa giấu trong 2 tấm bạt cuốn lên 2 bên thùng xe để trở thành "chiến xa" tấn công lễ duyệt binh ở Dinh độc lập.

Rồi biết bao tài liệu tuyệt mật phục vụ kháng chiến đã được những bà má, bà chị giao liên giấu trong bánh tét, cá khô, măng rừng, lạp xưởng... đi bằng đường xe lam dễ dàng qua trạm kiểm soát của địch. Xe lam làm được điều đó vì nó là phương tiện giao thông quá phổ biến. Nhiều hãng nước ngoài đã đưa những loại xe tương tự như Daihatsu (Nhật), Tuktuk (Thái)... vào, nhưng không thể giành nổi thị phần khi xe lam còn hiện diện trên các con đường Việt Nam.


(Ảnh: Tam Thái)

Xe lam là bước chuyển từ xe ngựa lên xe cơ giới của người miền Nam, là "cần câu cơm" của biết bao gia đình và vô số gia đình khác đã kiếm sống bằng nghề buôn bán nhỏ, làm mướn, làm công chức, công nhân... ngày ngày đi lại bằng xe lam. Những giai đoạn ác liệt nhất của cuộc chiến tranh, trong các đoàn người chạy khỏi vùng bom đạn, luôn luôn có hình ảnh những chiếc xe lam chở người, tài sản lẫn những con gà, con chó của những gia đình tản cư. Rồi xác xe lam bị bom cháy đen nằm còng queo bên đường được đưa lên báo chí, truyền hình...

Đà Lạt ngày ấy có rất nhiều xe lam. Tôi trên dưới 10 tuổi đã làm "lơ" xe lam không lương. Những ngày chủ nhật, ngày lễ nghỉ học, ba cho tôi theo để biết thế nào là "đời xe lam". Xe lam Đà Lạt chở từ cây sú, súp lơ, giỏ khoai tây đến những bó hoa còn đẫm sương đêm... ra chợ. Cùng với nó là màu đồng phục học trò lẫn nỗi tất tả, bon chen của người lao động nghèo.

Cả mùi son phấn của vài cô gái phờ phạc trong mini jupe, áo lông, bốt da đến đầu gối uể oải bước ra từ hộp đêm "Mộng Đẹp" lúc sớm tinh mơ, lẫn mùi cá khô, mắm ruốc và mùi hăng hăng từ cái miệng bỏm bẻm nhai trầu của các "mệ" Huế - đi bán rau vẫn mặc áo dài! Một vị sư chấp tay mô Phật, giọng chửi thề của "đại ca" có cánh tay xăm hình thù vằn vện.

Rồi xe lam chở đám cưới, đám ma... Cả Đà Lạt xuất hiện trên xe lam! Cứ mỗi khi gà gáy canh tư, ba tôi trở dậy, trùm vào người cái áo khoác nặng trịch, ẩm sương gió và nặng mùi dầu nhớt. Thêm một chiếc mũ len trùm kín lỗ tai. Đà Lạt sớm mai lạnh kinh hồn, ông co ro ra sân khởi động cái xe lam cũ kỹ. Có những lúc ông đạp đến hàng trăm lần, xe vẫn không nổ máy.

Tôi bé nhỏ nằm cuộn tròn trong chiếc chăn bông ấm áp nghe rõ tiếng thở hồng hộc của cha. Rồi máy xe cùng nổ "tạch, tạch"... Sau đó ba tăng ga cho cả chiếc xe rung lên bần bật với tiếng máy rú từng chập dài. Khói xe xông vào tận trong nhà, đó là cái mùi nhiều người phải bịt mũi, nhưng với tôi thật... dễ chịu. Vì nó có, nghĩa là... xe còn chạy được, là nhà hôm nay sẽ có một chút tiền, là ba tôi không còn phải đạp đến thở hồng hộc, không còn phải lăn ra sửa và nghe trách móc của những bà hàng xóm bị trễ chợ!

Tôi lớn lên với âm thanh và mùi vị của xe lam. Để rồi đi đến đâu, thấy hay nghe tiếng xe lam lại giật mình. Có những chiều mưa, tôi trở về Đà Lạt, ngồi trong quan cà phê nhìn những chiếc xe lam xịt khói mù mịt, gắng sức bò lên dốc, tự nhiên thấy hồi hộp, tay chân muốn cục cựa.

Những ngày theo ba làm lơ chiếc xe lam cà khổ, lúc lên dốc như vậy, tôi sẽ đẩy xuống đẩy phụ hoặc xách sẵn một cục gỗ để chèn bánh xe đề phòng nó đuối quá, tắt máy tuột dốc. Rồi cũng có những ngày Tết, nắng xuân Đà Lạt thật đẹp, ba chở cả nhà đi chùa. Trước nhang khói huyền bí, người ta cầu tài cầu lộc, còn chú bé tôi hồi ấy chỉ xin trời phật cho "cái cần câu cơm" của cả nhà được... mạnh giỏi. Nó mà "đau" thì... thế nào cũng có người đến đòi nợ, bữa ăn trong nhà cũng "hẻo" đi rất nhiều, và hơn hết là nét mặt buồn xo của cả ba lẫn má.

Bây giờ thì cả xe lam lẫn tuổi thơ tôi chẳng còn. Những chiếc xe bus to lớn,mạnh mẽ cùng với vô số taxi hiện đại đã lấp đầy khoảng trống do xe lam để lại. Song không thể lấp nỗi hoài niệm về chiếc xe lam thân thương, gần gũi trong tôi, trong rất nhiều người. Nửa thế kỷ trước, khi đi xe lam "đảo chính" xe ngựa, không biết có ai vì thương tiếc xe ngựa mà hờn trách xe lam không nhỉ?

Theo Lại Văn Long

A old image "Xe lam"

Tuesday, 12/2/2008, 09:58 GMT+7

The lambretta which was produced in Italia debuted in Saigon in the 1960 and after that it became familia in the whole South Vietnam. At the beginning lambretta is small lam brettit, which can carried 6 people.Few year latter,the bigger one was importe which can carried 10 people and 2 people with driver in the driving-cabin.

There were thousands of "xe lam" working form Quang Tri to Ca Mau, from city to country for 4 decades and just be retired in recent year, when they are so old and harmful for the environment by their noise and dust.In the old revolution day "xe lam" toke a very important part in transport the weapons to downtown.

There are a lot of important document of the war served for North Vietnam has been transported by Vietnamese women, hidden it tranditional dish and they went by "xe lam" cause it was too common transporter .There are more brand has the similar style to "xe lam" was imported such as Daihatsu (Japan), Tuktuk (Thailand) but it could not take a high market share like "xe lam"(Lambretta) did.


(Photo: Tam Thái)

"Xe lam" is an important change from the horse carried transport to moto-transport,"xe lam" is the working tool for many families and many others when they need to transport, it's like the daily bus for them.In the worst time of war there were usually on TV the evacuation with many people from the front line, always has the image of "xe lam"."Xe lam" carried people, properties, dogs, chikens,.. from the evacuated families.And the burned "xe lam" on the road after the battle...

In the old day, Đà Lạt had many "xe lam".I(author) was a co-driver since 10 years old with no paid. On weekends or holidays, my father bring me along to show me how is "xe lam" life." Xe lam" of Đà Lạt carried many vegetable : potatoes,salad, and also flowers to the market in night."Xe lam" is also carried pupils in uniform and also the poor life, the poor worker.

Exhausted girls in mini jupe with attractive perfume from the "Mong Dep"(Sweet dreams) nightclub seat beside old mothers with the smelly fish and some traditonal dish which has "special" smell for foriengers.A monk was preaying seat beside and playboy or backstreet guy with the tatoo arm.They are also carried by "xe lam"

And "xe lam" carried marriage and also funeral.All Đà Lạt feature appear on xe lam! Every early morning,my father woke up and wore an old and oil smelly jacket, a hat cover his ears. Đà Lạt in the early morning is extremely cold.He try to start the aged "xe lam".There was time he has to work with the starter a hundred times but the old transporter still not work.

I lied down in the back cabin in the warm place heard clearly his hardly breath.Finally "xe lam" has started "bach bach"...After that,my fater push the gas the "xe lam" vibrated with the moteur sound was going on.The smoke went to the house, that smell would made many people has to hold theire inspiration but with me it's very comfortable smell. Because that the "xe lam" still can run and my family will have a little money to spend, my father do not have to push the pedal to start the engine any more,he do not have to lie under "xe lam" to fixed it and don't have to hear the complain from the women which has to be late to the market when the "xe lam" can not work on time!

I grew up with the smell and the "xe lam" life.And anytime I hear the sound of "xe lam" I was a little bit remember the old time.There are rainy evenings I came back to Dalat sit in a coffe shop and watching the "xe lam" with a long smoke flow,trying to claim to high hill....

In the days I went to support my father with the aged "xe lam", when it had to claim to that hill I had to go outside and push it form the back and take along a wood stick to prevent it to run down the hill if the engine stop accidently.There are also beautiful day in Tet holiday in Dalat, my father ride my family by "xe lam" to pagoda.And I just prayed for the "xe lam" still work well. In case it got sick there will be a lot of difficults would come to my little family, and the worst thing is the sad face of both my parents

Now my childhood and "xe lam" have gone."Xe lam" now have been replaced by big bus or modern taxies. But it still be an familiar and cute memory of mine.Half of century ago,"xe lam" has done a revolution from the hourse carry,I don't know that there any body feel sad about the "xe lam" revolution -the horse-carry driver?

Lại Văn Long

Translated by : Phạm Thành Long(Pacific Dragon)

(Source :

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

Microsoft VISUAL STUDIO 2005 Standard Edition

(For academic use only) ^^.


Tớ vừa mượn của thầy Hiếu nhá. Nhìn cái hộp của đĩa xịn nó thích điên lên đc hé hé đó là lý do có cái entry này ^^.Show hàng 3 thứ : cái hộp đĩa dễ thương, kỹ năng chụp sản phẩm và khả năng Photoshop như hạch.

[This entry is about the MS Visual Studio CDs box I just borrow from Mr Hieu from Information Academic Staff of RMIT Saigon. I took shots with my SLR and process with Photoshop to have these images]


Đây là cách nhìn em từ 3 góc độ hé hé.Nó zuông zuông xinh xinh (Mặc dù là đồ mượn vẫn cứ thích ^^).

[These are 3 different views outside the box. I love it^^]


Còn đây là trang giới thiệu đầu tiên.

[This is the first page, the introduction of this product..]


.....2 trang kế bên ....

[.... next 2 pages....]


Đây là đĩa cài đặt đầu tiên,bộ này gồm 5 đĩa : 2 CD cho Visual Studio và 3 cho MSDN Library

[This is the first installation CD, this package has 5 CDs : 2 CDs for Visual Studio installation, 3 for MSDN Library Installation.]


My Lambretta

This is a famous transporter in Saigon since the 1960 to 1990.An Italian brand.I traced this Lambretta by Illustrator,some artistic effects were applied

Thursday, June 26, 2008



Model : người quen của người quen...

Stylist : tự xử

Location: Dinh Gia Long (nay là bảo tàng thành phố)

Photo by : Pacific Dragon









Ki&ecirc;u sa




C&#7893;ng tr&#7901;i